
A long time ago, long before this forum's Clans came to live here, a river flowed through the middle of a field which is currently SunClan's territory. Over time, the river dried up due to Twolegs who created a dam. The Twolegs used their huge monsters to make the river's channel larger. They had planned to make it a lake, but after a few moons the Twolegs never came back. Now half of the old channel is larger than the other half. The larger half is used for SunClan's camp. The SunClan leader summons the Clan while standing atop a pile of pebbles that had stayed beside the channel since the Twolegs had come. Now the story of the Twolegs is just a legendary nursery tale.
Guard Hill is on the side of the camp without The Creeks. Every night, SunClan posts a guard to stand atop the Guard Hill. The guard uses the tall hill to look over his/her Clanmates as they sleep and protect them from danger. This hill used to be a mound of dirt from when the Twolegs had dug the dried-up creek intending to make a lake, but then over the years grass grew over it making it a grassy and soft hill.
Penthouse view (open)

Jul 5, 2016 14:19:23 GMT -5


The oldest elder in StarClan that had lived in SunClan would remember the Old Badger Set from when he/she was a kit. The Old Badger Set has been around for as long as the SunClan cats can remember. No cats want to destroy it as that is considered a sacred place. It's considered sacred because the Clans found out about their warrior ancestors, StarClan, the night a cat named Stonewhisker had been killed by a badger that had lived in the Old Badger Set. That night the starry Stonewhisker had come to the SunClan medicine cat, Ashgaze, and told her about StarClan. Since then, all the Clans have believed in StarClan.
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Near the SunClan camp is a network of creeks. The Creeks are filled with fresh and pure water, coming straight from the rain. As that is the only water source, SunClan cats have grown used to having parched and dry mouths while on the opposite side of the camp that holds The Creeks. The Creeks eventually form into one creek near DappleClan territory. The creek continues to run into DappleClan territory to form a pool in DappleClan's territory.
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Throughout the whole of SunClan territory, there is only one tree. That tree is called the Training Tree. It provides canopy for training and soft dirt for landing. Though there is only one tree, SunClan are exceptionally good climbers as they practice climbing on the Training Tree. Most cats who have never fought SunClan cats predict that SunClan cats are terrible climbers.
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SunClan Territory

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SunClan's territory is a large field of tall grass. The sun causes SunClan cats' pelts to be thin and sleek. The only cover SunClan's territory has is the tall grass, which cools the hot sun that would beat down on cats' backs if the grass was not there. Most cats who have never been on SunClan territory imagine that the earth there would be hard-packed and sunbaked, but it's not true. Though SunClan cats love the sun, they also relish the rain, which keeps their grass alive and cool. The rain causes the ground to be moist, but not wet and marshy.
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